Title |
4/4 and others in 4 |
3/4 and others in 3 |
12/16, 6/8, 12/8, 6/4 |
Others |
Two meters simultaneously |
Tempo changes |
Type of irregular groupings
(not improvised; no triplets) |
Lost in a whirlpool |
X |
Pound for a brown/Legend
of the golden arches |
7/8 |
Sleeping in a jar |
X |
Guitar waltz |
X |
Mice |
X |
The Blackouts |
No meter |
The world's greatest
sinner, single |
X |
The world's greatest
sinner movie sample #1 |
X |
The world's greatest
sinner movie sample #2 |
X |
10/8 |
X |
The world's greatest
sinner movie sample #3 |
X |
11/8 |
Holiday in Berlin |
X |
9/8 |
Run home, slome theme #1 |
X |
Run home, slome theme #2 |
X |
Run home, slome cue #2 |
X |
2/4 |
Run home, slome cue #3 |
10/4 |
The little march |
X |
X |
Run home, slow movie
sample #1 |
X |
Run home, slow movie
sample #2 |
X |
Run home, slow movie
sample #3 |
X |
Run home, slow movie
sample #4 |
X |
Ronnie sings |
X |
Ronnie's booger story |
(notational choice) |
Take your clothes off
while you dance |
X |
Fountain of love |
X |
Any way the wind blows |
X |
Why don't you do me
right (Pal records) |
X |
Why don't you do me
right (Joe's Xmessage) |
X |
Why don't you do me
right (1967) |
X |
Walkin' out |
X |
Waltz (Pal records) |
X |
Speed-freak boogie |
X |
Metal man has lost his
wings |
X |
Tiger roach |
X |
X |
Opus 5 |
X |
X |
X |
Mount St. Mary concert |
X |
X |
2/4 |
Breaktime |
X |
Memories of El Monte |
X |
Love of my life |
X |
Grunion run |
X |
Jessie Lee |
X |
Dear Jeepers |
X |
Letter from Jeepers |
X |
Hey Nelda |
X |
Surf along |
X |
How's your bird |
X |
The big surfer |
X |
Mr. Clean |
X |
Everytime I see you |
X |
Excerpt from the Uncle
Frankie show |
X |
Opening night at studio
Z |
X |
I was a teenage maltshop |
X |
I'm loosing status at
the high school |
X |
Status back baby |
X |
Toad of the short forest
(1963/69) |
X |
X |
5/8, 7/8 |
X |
X |
Charva |
X |
Power trio |
X |
Original Mothers at the
Broadside |
X |
Duodenum |
X |
Bossa Nova |
X |
Mondo Hollywood |
X |
Motherly love |
X |
I ain't got no heart
intro (1965) |
X |
X |
Hungry freaks,
daddy |
X |
I ain't got no heart
(1966) |
X |
Who are the brain police |
X |
Go cry on somebody
else's shoulder |
X |
Wowie zowie |
X |
I'm not satified
(1966-8) |
X |
Trouble every day |
X |
You're probably
wondering why I'm here |
X |
Help I'm a rock |
X |
It can't happen here |
(notational choice) |
The return of the son of
the monster magnet |
X |
The downtown talent
scout |
X |
Plastic people |
X |
X |
X |
The duke of prunes |
X |
Amnesia vivace |
X |
Soft-sell conclusion |
X |
Brown shoes don't make
it |
X |
X |
quintuplets |
Invocation & ritual
dance of the young pumpkin |
X |
X |
X |
Uncle Bernie's farm |
X |
Son of Suzy Creamcheese |
X |
X |
5/8, 9/8 |
America drinks |
X |
4/8+3/8 and 5/8 |
America drinks and goes
home |
X |
The big squeeze |
X |
Are you hung up? |
X |
Who needs the Peace corps |
X |
Mother people |
X |
X |
7/8 |
Absolutely free |
X |
What's the ugliest part
of your body? |
X |
X |
7/8 |
X |
Concentration moon |
X |
X |
Bow tie daddy |
X |
Harry you're a beast |
X |
Flower punk |
X |
Hot poop |
X |
7/8 |
Lonely little girl |
X |
The chrome plated
megaphone of destiny |
(notational choice) |
No matter what you do |
X |
Oh no (1967/9) |
X |
X |
5/4 |
At the gas station |
5/8 |
I don't know if I can go
through this again |
(transcr. not certain) |
Almost Chinese |
X |
It's from Kansas |
X |
Amen |
X |
X |
2/4 |
Just one more time |
X |
Envelops the bath tub |
X |
X |
2/4 |
King Kong (Lumpy gravy) |
X |
4/4+3/8 |
Foamy soaky |
7/8 |
X |
Unit 3a |
X |
X |
Unit 9/ A vicious circle |
(notational choice) |
Kangaroos |
5/4 |
How did that get in
here? |
X |
X |
X |
Cheap thrills |
X |
How could I be such a
fool (1966-68) |
X |
X |
Jelly roll gum drop |
X |
You didn't try to call
me |
X |
Later that night |
X |
"No, no, no" |
X |
Stuff up the cracks |
X |
Chucha |
X |
Oh, in the sky |
X |
If I only could be your
love again |
X |
Uncle meat |
X |
Nine types of industrial
pollution |
X |
Zolar Czakl |
(notational choice) |
The legend of the golden
arches |
X |
X |
2/4, 5/4, 7/4, 7/16 |
Project X |
X |
King Kong |
X |
X |
Dog breath/Blood unit |
X |
X |
Dog breath variations
(1969) |
X |
X |
5/4 |
Dog breath variations
(1974) |
X |
X |
5/8, 9/8 |
Dog breath variations
(1993) |
9/8, 11/8 |
Exercise #4 (1973) |
X |
2/4, 7/8, 11/8 |
Prelude to King Kong |
5/16 |
Electric aunt Jemima |
X |
A pound for a brown on
the bus |
7/8 |
Ian Underwood whips it
out |
10/16 |
We can shoot you |
X |
The air |
X |
Cruising for burgers |
X |
X |
X |
2/4, 24/32 |
Prologue (1968) |
2/4 |
Like it or not |
X |
5/8 |
quintuplet |
Undaunted, the band
plays on |
X |
Some ballet music |
X |
X |
Epilogue |
X |
X |
5/4, 5/8, 7/8, 9/8 |
X |
Agency man |
X |
X |
The rejected Mexican
pope |
X |
X |
X |
5/8, 7/8 |
Would you like a snack?
(1968) |
X |
X |
Uncle rhebus |
X |
7/8, 8/8, 15/32 |
X |
Bust his head |
X |
Tiny sick tears jam |
X |
Whisky improvisations |
X |
X |
5/4 |
X |
The whip |
X |
Whisky souflee |
X |
Brown shoes shuffle |
X |
Whiskey wah |
X |
It must be a camel |
X |
X |
Peaches en regalia |
X |
quintuplet |
Willie the pimp (1970) |
X |
Mr. Green Genes/Son of
Mr. Green Genes |
X |
The Gumbo variations |
X |
Little umbrellas |
X |
quintuplet |
Bognor Regis |
X |
Peaches jam |
X |
Lil' Clanton shuffle |
X |
Another waltz |
X |
Twenty small cigars |
X |
Igor's boogie 1 |
X |
X |
5/8 |
Igor's boogie 2 |
(notational choice) |
Theme from Burnt weeny
sandwich |
X |
Aybe sea |
X |
Little house piano intro |
X |
5/8 |
Eric Dolphy's memorial
barbecue (1969/88) |
X |
X |
2/4, 5/4, 5/8, 9/8 |
Kung fu |
X |
5/8, 5/4 |
6-tuplets |
My guitar wants to kill
your mama |
X |
Little house main theme |
X |
X |
11/8 |
11/8+12/8 |
What will this evening
bring me this morning |
X |
Dwarf Nebula |
X |
Sofa interlude |
X |
Didja get any onya |
7/16, 14/16 |
Gas mask |
5/16 |
Original Mothers at the
Fillmore East |
No meter |
Get a little |
X |
The Orange County lumber
truck |
X |
X |
2/4 |
Weasels ripped my flesh |
No meter |
Baked-bean boogie |
X |
No waiting for the
peanuts to disslove |
X |
Chocolate Halvah |
X |
Underground freak out
music |
X |
You call that music? |
X |
Alley cat |
X |
Proto-minimalism |
8/16, 10/16, 12/16, 14/16 |
Meow |
No meter |
FZ/JCB drum duet |
X |
Where's our equipment |
X |
5/8 |
Tiny sick tears |
X |
No meter |
Are you upset? |
X |
Khaki sack |
X |
Basement jam |
X |
Love will make your mind
go wild |
X |
Funky nothingness |
X |
Halos and arrows |
X |
Moldred |
X |
The Nancy and Mary music |
X |
Tell me you love me |
X |
Would you go all the
way? |
X |
The clap |
X |
Road ladies |
X |
Sharleena |
X |
Chunga's revenge |
X |
Rudy wants to buy yez a
drink |
X |
X |
Transylvania boogie
(Ahead of…) |
X |
X |
3/4+4/4 and 8/4 |
Transylvania boogie
(Chunga…) |
X |
X |
Twinkle tits |
X |
X |
Chunga's basement |
X |
Dance of the just plain
folks |
X |
X |
Red tubular lighter |
X |
Giraffe - take 4 |
X |
X |
X |
5/8, 7/8 |
Holiday in Berlin solo |
X |
X |
Call any vegetable solo |
X |
Brain police (1970) |
X |
Brain police (1971) |
X |
The subcutaneous peril |
X |
You never know
…/Harmonica fun |
X |
X |
Little house intro
(1971) |
X |
X |
The mud shark |
X |
Latex solar beef |
X |
Junier Mintz boogie |
X |
(Willy the pimp (1971)) |
Bwana dick |
X |
2/2 |
X |
Do you like my new car? |
X |
5-tuplet |
The groupie routine |
X |
Lonesome electric turkey |
X |
King Kong (1971, solo) |
(Various) |
Tears began to fall |
X |
Scumbag |
X |
Brixton still life |
X |
Don't eat there |
No meter |
Super grease |
No meter |
A typical soundcheck |
X |
Once upon a time |
X |
Sofa (1971) |
X |
Divan |
X |
Call any vegetable
(1967/71) |
X |
X |
2/4 |
She painted up her face |
X |
Penis dimension |
X |
Billy the mountain |
X |
X |
13/8 |
quintuplet |
Eddie are you kidding? |
X |
Magdalena |
X |
X |
X |
Number 7 |
5/8, 7/8 |
Piccolo score |
X |
Nun suit |
X |
quintuplet, 6-tuplet |
The girl's dream |
X |
quintuplet |
Little green scratchy
sweaters |
X |
Mystery roach |
X |
X |
Dance of the rock and
roll interviewers |
X |
Tuna fish promenade |
X |
Tuna sandwich bolero |
X |
Lonesome cowboy Burt
(1971/88) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Touring can drive you
crazy |
X |
X |
Janet's big dance number |
X |
Redneck eats |
X |
X |
Centerville |
X |
Shove it right in (song
and orch. mvt.) |
X |
X |
9/8 |
Half a dozen provovative
squats |
X |
9/8 |
Lucy's seduction of a
bored violinist |
X |
7/8, 24/8 |
X |
I'm stealing the room |
X |
X |
X |
2/4, 6/16, 11/16 |
5- and 7-tuplet |
Dental hygiene dilemma |
X |
No meter |
quintuplets |
Does this kind of life
look interesting to you? |
X |
Daddy, daddy, daddy |
X |
What will this morning
bring me this evening |
X |
5/4, 7/8 |
Dew on the newts we got |
X |
9/8, 10/8, 11/8 |
Magic fingers |
X |
Overture |
X |
Would you like a snack? |
X |
10-tuplet |
What's the name of your
group |
X |
X |
5/8, 7/8, 9/8, 5/4 |
Can I help you with this
dummy |
X |
5/8 |
9-tuplet |
The pleated gazelle |
X |
Motorheads midnight
ranch |
X |
X |
11/8, 14/8 |
The lad searches the
night for his newts |
X |
The girl wants to fix
him some broth |
X |
X |
200 Motels score
examples |
X |
Big Swifty |
X |
X |
7/8 |
It just might be a one
shot deal |
X |
6/16, 5/4 |
For Calvin |
X |
Your mouth |
X |
Eat that question |
X |
The grand wazoo |
X |
Another whole melodic
section |
X |
15/16 |
Think it over |
X |
Waka/Jawaka |
X |
awreetus-awrightus |
X |
Blessed relief |
X |
Greggery Peccary mvt. I
interlude |
X |
Greggery Peccary mvt.
III solo |
X |
Variant I processional
march |
X |
Imaginary diseases |
X |
Rollo |
X |
X |
2/4 |
Been to Kansas City |
X |
D.C. Boogie |
X |
Farther O'blivion |
X |
Little dots |
X |
10-tuplet |
Camarillo brillo |
X |
I'm the slime |
X |
X |
Dirty love |
X |
Fifty-fifty |
X |
Palladium jam |
X |
Dinah-Moe Humm (1973-4) |
X |
X |
Montana (1972-3) |
X |
quintuplets, 6-tuplets |
Don't eat that yellow
snow |
7/8 |
Don't eat that yellow
snow (Australia) |
X |
7/8, 30/16 |
Nanook rubs it |
X |
St. Alfonso/Father
O'blivion |
X |
2/4, 6/8, 7/16 |
Father O'blivion
(Australia) |
X |
Cosmic debris |
X |
Excentrifugal forz |
X |
9/8 |
Apostrophe |
X |
Uncle Remus |
X |
Penguin in bondage |
X |
X |
7/8 |
Echidna's arf |
X |
X |
X |
2/2, 3/2, 2/4, 11/16, 21/16 |
4/4+11/16 |
Don't you ever wash that
thing |
X |
5/16, 7/16, 9/16, 11/16,
5/8, 7/8 |
Cheepnis |
X |
X |
X |
5/8, 7/8 |
Orange County |
X |
More trouble every day
(1974-84) |
X |
Goteborg GTR |
X |
Dickie's such an asshole |
X |
quadruplets |
Pojama prelude |
X |
All skate |
X |
X |
Village of the sun
(1973-74) |
X |
X |
X |
5/4, 11/4, 9/8 |
Inca roads (1973) |
X |
X |
Sheik Yerbouti tango |
X |
Be-bop tango |
X |
6-tuplets, 7-tuplets |
Approximate |
X |
Pygmy twylyte |
X |
X |
The idiot bastard son |
X |
X |
2/4 |
Room service |
X |
5/4 |
7-tuplets |
Dummy up |
X |
Dupree's paradise (1974) |
X |
X |
X |
2/4, 5/8, 10/16 |
Smell my beard |
X |
No meter |
7-tuplet |
The booger man |
X |
Florentine Pogen |
X |
Inca roads (1975/88) |
X |
X |
5/4, 5/16, 6/16, 7/16, 9/16, 11/16 |
Can't afford no shoes |
X |
Po-jama people |
X |
Evelyn |
(notational choice) |
San Ber'dino |
X |
quintuplets |
Andy |
X |
5/16, 6/16 |
Is there anything good
inside of you? |
X |
X |
2/4, 7/16, 9/16 |
Debra Kadabra |
X |
X |
7/16, 9/16, 12/16, 11/8,
5/8, 14/8 |
X |
Poofters froth |
X |
200 years old |
X |
Cucamonga |
X |
X |
2/4 |
X |
Advance romance |
X |
Original torture |
X |
Muffin man |
X |
X |
Carolina hard-core
ecstasy |
X |
Original duke of prunes |
X |
The duke of prunes
regains his chops |
X |
Duke of prunes (1975) |
X |
This town is a sealed
tuna sandwich (prologue). |
X |
X |
Bogus pomp, tuna
sandwich theme |
X |
Bogus pomp, piano
variation |
X |
Bogus pomp, part of the
coda |
X |
(Black napkins
instructions) |
Evening at the Hermitage |
X |
5/4 |
Music for a low budget
orchestra |
X |
7/8 |
9-tuplet |
Greggery Peccary |
X |
X |
5/8, 7/8, 5/16, 7/16 |
X |
quintuplet |
The new brown clouds
(1972-5) |
X |
X |
6/8+10/8 |
Lemme take you to the
beach |
X |
7/8, 9/8 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Phyniox |
X |
Reeny ra |
X |
Any downers? |
X |
Kaiser rolls |
X |
Keep it greasy (1976) |
X |
Keep it greasy (1979) |
19/16 |
Black napkins |
X |
Chunga's revenge solos
(1975) |
X |
5/8 |
City of tiny lights |
X |
Wind up working in a gas
station |
X |
15/16, 17/16, 10/16, 6/16 |
The torture never stops |
X |
Miss Pinky |
X |
Find her finer |
X |
Friendly little finger |
(transcr. not certain) |
Wonderful wino solo |
X |
Zoot allures (1976-84) |
X |
Disco boy |
X |
Filthy habits |
X |
X |
5/4 |
X |
5-, 6- and 7-tuplet |
Regyptian strut |
X |
Spider of destiny |
X |
Flambay |
X |
X |
Time is money |
X |
X |
X |
13/16, 2/4, 5/8, 11/16, 7/16, 9/16, 10/8 |
Sleep dirt |
X |
The ocean is the
ultimate solution |
X |
The black page #1 |
X |
various incl. tuplets
within tuplets |
Manx needs women |
X |
X |
various incl. tuplets
within tuplets |
Titties and beer |
X |
Cruising for burgers
solo (1976) |
X |
I promise not to come in
your mouth |
X |
The Illinois enema
bandit |
X |
Big leg Emma |
X |
The purple
lagoon/Approximate |
X |
14/16 |
6-tuplets |
America drinks |
X |
X |
5/4, 7/4 |
The be-bop tango (1976,
The purple lagoon) |
7/8 |
5- and 7-tuplet |
Duck duck goose |
X |
Down in the dew |
X |
14/32 |
Revenge of the
knick-knack people |
X |
For the young
sophisticated |
X |
Broken hearts are for
assholes |
X |
Tryin' to grow a chin |
X |
A little green rosetta
(1975-9) |
X |
Ship ahoy |
No meter |
Leather goods |
X |
Jones crusher |
X |
X |
X |
Punky's whips |
X |
14/32, 17/32, 18/32, 33/32 |
X |
Conehead vamp |
X |
Conehead (1978) |
X |
Basement music #1 |
X |
Basement music #2 |
X |
Wild love solos (1977) |
X |
Läther |
X |
X |
X |
6/16, 7/16, 8/16 |
Bowling on Charen |
X |
The poodle lecture |
X |
Is that guy kidding or
what? |
X |
The black page #2 |
X |
I have been in you |
X |
Flakes |
X |
I'm so cute |
X |
What ever happened to
all … |
(notational choice) |
Wait a minute |
(notational choice) |
Rubber shirt |
(notational choice) |
Baby snakes |
2/4, 24/16 |
Dancing fool |
X |
Jewish princess |
X |
Wild love |
X |
7-tuplet |
Mo' mama |
X |
Yo' mama |
X |
Dong work for Yuda |
X |
23/16 |
Watermelon in Easter hay
(H.O.) |
X |
5/8 |
King Kong (H.O.) |
X |
X |
Paroxysmal splendor |
X |
24/16 |
Heidelberg |
X |
Ancient armaments |
X |
Stinkfoot (1974-8) |
X |
2-tuplet |
Lobster girl |
15/16, 16/16 |
Pound for a brown solos
(1978) |
X |
16/16 |
Occam's razor |
X |
On the bus |
X |
Central scrutinizer |
X |
Joe's garage |
X |
Catholic girls |
X |
14/16, 18/16, 22/16 |
Crew slut |
X |
Fembot in a wet T-shirt. |
X |
Why does it hurt when I
pee? |
X |
Lucille |
X |
X |
4/4 + 12/8 |
Stick it out |
X |
Sy Borg |
X |
Outside now (original
solo) |
X |
5/8 |
Outside now |
X |
5/8 |
He used to cut the grass |
X |
Packard goose (1979-88) |
X |
X |
X |
Watermelon in Easter hay |
X |
5/4 |
Tush-tush-tush |
X |
A token of my extreme |
X |
No more Mr. nice girl |
X |
Fine girl |
X |
Panty rap |
X |
The Madison panty
sniffing festival |
X |
Easy meat |
X |
Now you see it - now you
don't |
X |
Dance contest |
X |
The blue light |
X |
7/4 |
4/4 + 7/4 |
Tinsel town rebellion |
X |
Pick me, I'm clean |
X |
Bamboozled by love |
X |
Peaches III |
X |
X |
X |
quintuplet |
Five-five-FIVE |
5/8, 5/4 |
Hog heaven |
X |
2/4 |
Shut up 'n play yer
guitar |
X |
While you were out |
X |
Treacherous Cretins |
X |
Soup 'n old clothes |
X |
Variations on the
Santana chord progression |
X |
Gee, I like your pants |
X |
5/4 |
Canarsie |
13/18, 14/18 |
The deathless horsie
X |
X |
The deathless horsie
5/4 |
Shut up 'n play yer
guitar some more |
X |
Pink napkins |
X |
Return of the son of
Shut up 'n play yer guitar |
X |
Beat it with your fist |
X |
Pinnochio's furniture |
X |
Why Johnny can't read |
No meter |
Stucco homes |
X |
X |
5/4 |
Canard du jour |
X |
Harder than your husband |
X |
X |
X |
Doreen |
X |
Tengo na minchia tanta |
X |
Goblin girl |
X |
Society pages |
X |
I'm a beautiful guy |
X |
2/4, 5/8 |
7-tuplet |
You are what you is |
X |
Beauty knows no pain |
X |
18/16 |
Charlie's enormous mouth |
X |
X |
5/4, 9/8 |
Stevie's spanking |
X |
Dumb all over |
X |
Heavenly bank account |
X |
5/4 |
Church chat |
X |
Suicide chump |
X |
X |
Jumbo go away |
X |
Number 6 |
5/16, 6/16, 7/16 |
6-tuplet |
The meek shall inherit
nothing |
X |
If only she woulda |
X |
Drafted again |
X |
5/8 |
Mo 'n herb's vacation |
X |
5/8 |
various incl. tuplets within tuplets |
Bogus pomp |
X |
X |
Sad jane |
X |
X |
7/8, 5/4 |
quintuplet |
Bob in Dacron |
X |
7/16, 7/8, 5/8, 7/8, 11/8, 5/4, 11/32 |
Pedro's dowry |
X |
X |
4/4+12/8 |
5- and 7-tuplet |
Envelopes (1983) |
X |
Outside now, again |
X |
5/4 |
quintuplet |
The girl in the
magnesium dress |
X |
Dupree's paradise (1985) |
X |
X |
7/8, 9/8, 2/4 |
Love story |
(notational choice) |
Jonestown |
(notational choice) |
The perfect stranger |
X |
X |
9/8 |
X |
4-, 5-, 7- and 9-tuplet |
Drowning witch |
X |
X |
X |
2/2, 9/4, 9/8, 6*3/16 |
9/8+6*3/16 |
6:7-tuplet |
Valley girl |
X |
(Envelopes (1982)) |
I come from nowhere |
X |
2/4, 5/4, 27/16 |
Teen-age prostitute |
X |
X |
X |
Lisa's life story |
X |
Little rubber girl |
X |
In France |
X |
Ya Hozna |
X |
Sinister footwear II |
X |
7-tuplet |
Truck driver's divorce |
X |
X |
Marque-Son's chicken |
X |
9/16, 10/16,13/16, 14/16,
15/16 |
Planet of my dreams |
X |
Be in my video |
X |
Them or us |
X |
Frogs with dirty little
lips |
X |
Theme from Sinister
footwear III |
X |
Sinister footwear I |
X |
X |
5/4, 7/8 |
5-, 6-, 7-, 8-tuplets |
Naval aviation in
art?/Jeff and Don |
X |
Cocaine decisions |
X |
X |
The dangerous kitchen |
(notational choice) |
Stick together |
X |
The jazz discharge party
hats |
X |
2/4 |
quintuplet |
The radio is broken |
X |
16/32 |
Tink walks amok |
X |
11/16 |
Moggio |
X |
X |
5/8, 10/8, 11/8 |
We're not alone |
X |
5/4 |
Luigi and the wise guys |
X |
The torture never stops
(1980) |
X |
Prologue (1984) |
X |
The mammy nuns |
X |
Wistful wit a fistful |
X |
X |
X |
X |
The 'torchum' never
stops/The evil prince |
X |
X |
That evil prince |
(notational choice) |
Harry and Rhonda |
X |
Mudd club |
X |
Clowns on velvet |
X |
Harry-as-a-boy |
X |
The massive
improve'lence |
X |
Artificial Rhonda |
X |
The crab-grass baby |
X |
Briefcase boogie |
X |
Brown Moses |
X |
X |
Drop dead |
X |
No not now/Won ton on |
X |
7-tuplet |
Baby take your teeth out |
X |
Penguin in bondage solo
(1984) |
X |
Let's move to Cleveland |
X |
Cleveland solos (1984) |
X |
7-tuplet |
Hot plate heaven at the
Green hotel |
X |
For Giuseppe Franco |
X |
18/16 |
He's so gay |
X |
Bobby Brown |
X |
One man - one vote |
X |
34/16, 5/8, 7/8, 7/16 |
Little beige sambo |
X |
Aerobics in bondage |
(notational choice) |
I don't even care |
X |
We're turning again |
X |
X |
What's new in Baltimore |
X |
X |
X |
5/8, 7/8 |
Yo' cats |
X |
Alien orifice |
X |
7-tuplet, 14-tuplet |
Porn wars |
X |
X |
H.R. 2911 |
(notational choice) |
Night school |
X |
The Beltway bandits |
10/16, 11/16 |
While you were art II |
(notational choice) |
G-spot tornedo |
2/2 |
Jazz from hell |
(notational choice) |
St.Etienne |
X |
Damp ankles |
(notational choice) |
Massagio Galore |
X |
The black page (1987) |
X |
Medieval ensemble |
(notational choice) |
Sexual harassment in the
workplace |
X |
Republicans |
X |
That ol' G minor thing
again |
X |
Which one is it |
X |
Chalk pie |
X |
When no one was no one |
X |
Move it or park it |
X |
Do not pass go |
X |
In-a-gadda-Stravinsky |
X |
That's not really a
shuffle |
X |
Once again, without the
net |
X |
That's not really reggae |
X |
Jim and Tammy's upper
room |
X |
Were we ever really save
in San Antonio? |
X |
Hotel Atlanta
incidentals |
X |
Sunrise redeemer |
X |
Variations on Sinister
#3 |
X |
Orrin hatch on skis |
X |
But who was Fulcanelli? |
X |
For Duane |
X |
X |
Winos do not march |
2/2 |
Things that look like
meat |
X |
Swans? What swans? |
X |
Too ugly for show
business |
X |
System of edges |
X |
Do not try this at home |
X |
Canadian customs |
X |
Is that all there is? |
X |
Babette |
X |
X |
Carol you fool |
X |
Diseases of the band |
X |
quintuplets |
Ride my face to Chicago |
X |
The black page (1984) |
X |
Chana in de Bushwop |
X |
Nig biz |
X |
Shall we take ourselves
seriously |
X |
Thirteen |
13/16 |
Honey, don't you want a
man like me? (1978) |
2/4 |
(Honey, don't you want a
man like me? (1980)) |
(Honey, don't
you want a man like me? (1984-88)) |
White person |
No meter |
Tracy is a snob |
X |
Emperor of Ohio |
X |
King Kong (1971/82) |
X |
X |
2/4, 9/16, 24/16 |
9/16+12/16 |
Rhymin' man |
X |
Promiscuous |
X |
Welcome to the U.S. |
X |
X |
No meter |
Elvis has left the
building |
X |
Planet of the baritone
women |
X |
X |
X |
When the lie's so big |
X |
Any kind of pain |
X |
Why don't you like me |
X |
Jezebel boy |
X |
5/2 |
What kind of girl? |
X |
Jesus thinks you're a
jerk |
X |
Heavy duty Judy (1981-8) |
X |
X |
The black page (new age
version) |
X |
When yuppies go to hell |
X |
X |
X |
11/4 |
X |
Fire and chains |
X |
Star wars don't work |
7/8 |
The torture never stops,
part II |
X |
Zomby woof (1973/88) |
X |
X |
X |
2/4, 5/4, 10/16, 15/16 |
quintuplet |
King Kong (1988) |
X |
Let's make the water
turn black |
X |
Lonesome cowboy Nando |
X |
A few moments with
Brother West |
X |
Good Lobna |
X |
A cold dark matter |
X |
Butter or cannons |
X |
Ask dr. Stupid |
X |
Scratch & sniff |
X |
Trance-fusion |
X |
9/8 |
Diplodocus |
X |
Soul polka |
5/8 |
Gorgo |
X |
After dinner smoker |
X |
Light is all that
matters |
X |
Finding Higgs' Boson |
X |
Bavarian sunset |
X |
Outrage at Valdez |
9/4 |
The Valdez score |
(notational choice) |
Electronic music by FZ |
(transcr. not certain) |
The grand wazoo (1992) |
(notational choice) |
Improvisation in A |
X |
Budapest solo |
X |
Strat Vindaloo |
3+3+2 |
Strictly genteel |
X |
9/8 Objects |
X |
9/8 |
9/8+4/4 |
What will Rumi do? |
X |
9/8 |
9/8+4/4 |
T'Mershi Duween (1991) |
X |
X |
10/16 |
X |
23-tuplet |
This is a test |
X |
Uncle meat (1992) |
X |
2/4, 5/8 |
Exercise #4 (1992) |
X |
X |
9/8 |
Pound for a brown (1992) |
X |
X |
X |
5/8+4/4 |
Ruth is sleeping |
X |
2/4, 9/8 |
III Revised |
X |
Times beach II |
(transcr. not certain) |
Times beach III |
(transcr. not certain) |
Times beach I & IV |
2/4 |
5-, 7-tuplet |
Pentagon afternoon |
2/4, 2/5 |
Food-gathering in
post-industrial America |
X |
11/8 |
17-tuplet |
None of the above |
X |
(transcr. not certain) |
Get Whitey |
9/4 |
23-tuplet |
Put a motor in yourself |
X |
X |
X |
9/16, 10/16 |
They made me eat it |
(transcr. not certain) |
Reagan at Bitburg |
X |
X |
17/32, 5/16, 6/16, 7/16,
8/16, 10/16 |
Navanax |
X |
2/4 |
Xmas values |
(notational choice) |
Buffalo voice |
(notational choice) |
Get a life |
X |
2/4 |
N-lite |
(transcr. not certain) |
Secular humanism |
(transcr. not certain) |
I was in a drum |
(transcr. not certain) |
A pig with wings |
(transcr. not certain) |
Hot & putrid |
(transcr. not certain) |
The unanswered cluster
1a |
No meter |
Gross man |
(transcr. not certain) |
Why not |
(transcr. not certain) |
Beat the reaper |
5/4 |
Waffenspiel |
No meter |
Samba funk |
X |
quintuplet |
Overture to Uncle Sam |
X |
X |
X |
11/16 |
Amnerika |
X |
15/16 |
Dance me this |
X |
9/16, 10/16, 11/16 |
Pachuco gavotte |
X |
Wolf Harbor |
(transcr. not certain) |
Goat polo |
(notational choice) |
Rykoniki |
(notational choice) |
Piano |
(notational choice) |
X |
Calculus |
X |
X |